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import { async } from '../scheduler/async';
import { isDate } from '../util/isDate';
import { OuterSubscriber } from '../OuterSubscriber';
import { subscribeToResult } from '../util/subscribeToResult';
/* tslint:enable:max-line-length */
 * @param due
 * @param withObservable
 * @param scheduler
 * @return {Observable<R>|WebSocketSubject<T>|Observable<T>}
 * @method timeoutWith
 * @owner Observable
export function timeoutWith(due, withObservable, scheduler = async) {
    let absoluteTimeout = isDate(due);
    let waitFor = absoluteTimeout ? (+due - scheduler.now()) : Math.abs(due);
    return this.lift(new TimeoutWithOperator(waitFor, absoluteTimeout, withObservable, scheduler));
class TimeoutWithOperator {
    constructor(waitFor, absoluteTimeout, withObservable, scheduler) {
        this.waitFor = waitFor;
        this.absoluteTimeout = absoluteTimeout;
        this.withObservable = withObservable;
        this.scheduler = scheduler;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new TimeoutWithSubscriber(subscriber, this.absoluteTimeout, this.waitFor, this.withObservable, this.scheduler));
 * We need this JSDoc comment for affecting ESDoc.
 * @ignore
 * @extends {Ignored}
class TimeoutWithSubscriber extends OuterSubscriber {
    constructor(destination, absoluteTimeout, waitFor, withObservable, scheduler) {
        this.absoluteTimeout = absoluteTimeout;
        this.waitFor = waitFor;
        this.withObservable = withObservable;
        this.scheduler = scheduler;
        this.action = null;
    static dispatchTimeout(subscriber) {
        const { withObservable } = subscriber;
        subscriber.add(subscribeToResult(subscriber, withObservable));
    scheduleTimeout() {
        const { action } = this;
        if (action) {
            // Recycle the action if we've already scheduled one. All the production
            // Scheduler Actions mutate their state/delay time and return themeselves.
            // VirtualActions are immutable, so they create and return a clone. In this
            // case, we need to set the action reference to the most recent VirtualAction,
            // to ensure that's the one we clone from next time.
            this.action = action.schedule(this, this.waitFor);
        else {
            this.add(this.action = this.scheduler.schedule(TimeoutWithSubscriber.dispatchTimeout, this.waitFor, this));
    _next(value) {
        if (!this.absoluteTimeout) {
    _unsubscribe() {
        this.action = null;
        this.scheduler = null;
        this.withObservable = null;
//# sourceMappingURL=timeoutWith.js.map