"use strict";
var Rx = require('../../dist/cjs/Rx');
var Observable = Rx.Observable;
/** @test {bufferTime} */
describe('Observable.prototype.bufferTime', function () {
asDiagram('bufferTime(100)')('should emit buffers at intervals', function () {
var e1 = hot('---a---b---c---d---e---f---g-----|');
var subs = '^ !';
var t = time('----------|');
var expected = '----------w---------x---------y--(z|)';
var values = {
w: ['a', 'b'],
x: ['c', 'd', 'e'],
y: ['f', 'g'],
z: []
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, null, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should emit buffers at intervals test 2', function () {
var e1 = hot('---------a---------b---------c---------d---------e---------g--------|');
var t = time('--------------------------------|');
var expected = '--------------------------------x-------------------------------y---(z|)';
var values = {
x: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
y: ['d', 'e', 'g'],
z: []
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, null, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should emit buffers at intervals or when the buffer is full', function () {
var e1 = hot('---a---b---c---d---e---f---g-----|');
var subs = '^ !';
var t = time('----------|');
var expected = '-------w-------x-------y---------(z|)';
var values = {
w: ['a', 'b'],
x: ['c', 'd'],
y: ['e', 'f'],
z: ['g']
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, null, 2, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should emit buffers at intervals or when the buffer is full test 2', function () {
var e1 = hot('---a---b---c---d---e---f---g-----|');
var subs = '^ !';
var t = time('----------|');
var expected = '----------w--------x---------y---(z|)';
var values = {
w: ['a', 'b'],
x: ['c', 'd', 'e'],
y: ['f', 'g'],
z: []
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, null, 3, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should emit buffers that have been created at intervals and close after the specified delay', function () {
var e1 = hot('---a---b---c----d----e----f----g----h----i----(k|)');
// --------------------*--------------------*---- start interval
// ---------------------| timespans
// ---------------------|
// -----|
var t = time('---------------------|');
var interval = time('--------------------|');
var expected = '---------------------x-------------------y----(z|)';
var values = {
x: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],
y: ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i'],
z: ['i', 'k']
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, interval, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should emit buffers that have been created at intervals and close after the specified delay ' +
'or when the buffer is full', function () {
var e1 = hot('---a---b---c----d----e----f----g----h----i----(k|)');
// --------------------*--------------------*---- start interval
// ---------------------| timespans
// ---------------------|
// -----|
var t = time('---------------------|');
var interval = time('--------------------|');
var expected = '----------------x-------------------y---------(z|)';
var values = {
x: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
y: ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h'],
z: ['i', 'k']
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, interval, 4, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should emit buffers with timeSpan 100 and creationInterval 70', function () {
var e1 = hot('--1--^2--3---4---5--6--7---8----9------------|');
// -------*------*------*------*------*----- creation interval
// ----------| timespans
// ----------|
// ----------|
// ----------|
// ----------|
// ----------|
var e1subs = '^ !';
var t = time('----------|');
var interval = time('-------|');
var expected = '----------a------b------c------d------e-(f|)';
var values = {
a: ['2', '3', '4'],
b: ['4', '5', '6'],
c: ['6', '7', '8'],
d: ['8', '9'],
e: [],
f: []
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, interval, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should emit buffers but handle source ending with an error', function () {
var e1 = hot('--1--^2--3---4---5--6--7---8----9------------#');
// -------*------*------*------*------*----- creation interval
// ----------| timespans
// ----------|
// ----------|
// ----------|
// ----------|
// ----------|
var t = time('----------|');
var interval = time('-------|');
var expected = '----------a------b------c------d------e-#';
var values = {
a: ['2', '3', '4'],
b: ['4', '5', '6'],
c: ['6', '7', '8'],
d: ['8', '9'],
e: []
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, interval, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should emit buffers and allow result to unsubscribed early', function () {
var e1 = hot('--1--^2--3---4---5--6--7---8----9------------|');
var unsub = ' ! ';
var subs = '^ ! ';
// -------*------*------*------*------*----- creation interval
// ----------| timespans
// ----------|
// ----------|
var t = time('----------|');
var interval = time('-------|');
var expected = '----------a------ ';
var values = {
a: ['2', '3', '4']
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, interval, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result, unsub).toBe(expected, values);
it('should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly', function () {
var e1 = hot('--1--^2--3---4---5--6--7---8----9------------|');
var subs = '^ ! ';
// -------*------*------*------*------*----- creation interval
// ----------| timespans
// ----------|
// ----------|
var t = time('----------|');
var interval = time('-------|');
var expected = '----------a------ ';
var unsub = ' ! ';
var values = {
a: ['2', '3', '4']
var result = e1
.mergeMap(function (x) { return Observable.of(x); })
.bufferTime(t, interval, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler)
.mergeMap(function (x) { return Observable.of(x); });
expectObservable(result, unsub).toBe(expected, values);
it('should handle empty', function () {
var e1 = cold('|');
var e1subs = '(^!)';
var expected = '(b|)';
var values = { b: [] };
var t = time('----------|');
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, null, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should handle never', function () {
var e1 = cold('-');
var unsub = ' !';
var t = time('----------|');
var expected = '----------a---------a---------a---------a----';
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, null, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result, unsub).toBe(expected, { a: [] });
it('should handle throw', function () {
var e1 = Observable.throw(new Error('haha'));
var expected = '#';
var t = time('----------|');
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, null, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, undefined, new Error('haha'));
it('should handle errors', function () {
var e1 = hot('---a---b---c---#');
var e1subs = '^ !';
var t = time('----------|');
var expected = '----------w----#';
var values = {
w: ['a', 'b']
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, null, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should emit buffers that have been created at intervals and close after ' +
'the specified delay with errors', function () {
var e1 = hot('---a---b---c----d----e----f----g----h----i--#');
// --------------------*--------------------*---- start interval
// ---------------------| timespans
// ---------------------|
// -----|
var e1subs = '^ !';
var t = time('---------------------|');
var interval = time('--------------------|');
var expected = '---------------------x-------------------y--#';
var values = {
x: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],
y: ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i']
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, interval, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should not throw when subscription synchronously unsubscribed after emit', function () {
var e1 = hot('---a---b---c---d---e---f---g-----|');
var subs = '^ !';
var t = time('----------|');
var expected = '----------w---------(x|)';
var values = {
w: ['a', 'b'],
x: ['c', 'd', 'e']
var result = e1.bufferTime(t, null, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, rxTestScheduler).take(2);
expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, values);
it('should not have errors when take follows and maxBufferSize is provided', function () {
var tick = 10;
var bufferTime = 50;
var expected = '-----a----b----c----d----(e|)';
var values = {
a: [0, 1, 2, 3],
b: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
c: [9, 10, 11, 12, 13],
d: [14, 15, 16, 17, 18],
e: [19, 20, 21, 22, 23]
var source = Rx.Observable.interval(tick, rxTestScheduler)
.bufferTime(bufferTime, null, 10, rxTestScheduler)
expectObservable(source).toBe(expected, values);
//# sourceMappingURL=bufferTime-spec.js.map