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Description Identifier Count

should exist


should not allow convert to observable if given kind is unknown


should return a Notification


should return a Notification


should return a Notification


should create observable from a next Notification


should create observable from a complete Notification


should create observable from a error Notification


should create new next Notification with value


should create new error Notification


should return static next Notification reference without value


should return static complete Notification reference


should invoke on next


should invoke on error


should invoke on complete


should accept observer for next Notification


should accept observer for error Notification


should accept observer for complete Notification


should accept function for next Notification


should accept function for error Notification


should accept function for complete Notification


should observe for next Notification


should observe for error Notification


should observe for complete Notification


should be constructed with a subscriber function


should send errors thrown in the constructor down the error path


should not send error to error handler for observable have source


should iterate and return a Promise


should reject promise when in error


should allow Promise to be globally configured


should reject promise if nextHandler throws


should handle a synchronous throw from the next handler and tear down


should handle an asynchronous throw from the next handler and tear down


should be synchronous


should work when subscribe is called with no arguments


should not be unsubscribed when other empty subscription completes


should not be unsubscribed when other subscription with same observer completes


should run unsubscription logic when an error is sent synchronously and subscribe is called with no arguments


should run unsubscription logic when an error is sent asynchronously and subscribe is called with no arguments


should return a Subscription that calls the unsubscribe function returned by the subscriber


should run unsubscription logic when an error is thrown sending messages synchronously


should dispose of the subscriber when an error is thrown sending messages synchronously


should ignore next messages after unsubscription


should ignore error messages after unsubscription


should ignore complete messages after unsubscription

spec-js/Observable-spec.js -
spec-js/Observable-spec.js -
spec-js/Observable-spec.js -

should accept an anonymous observer with no functions at all

spec-js/Observable-spec.js -

should ignore next messages after unsubscription


should ignore error messages after unsubscription


should ignore complete messages after unsubscription


should create an Observable


should provide an observer to the function


should send errors thrown in the passed function down the error path


should be overrideable in a custom Observable type that composes


should compose through multicast and refCount


should compose through multicast with selector function


should compose through combineLatest


should compose through concat


should compose through merge


should compose through race


should compose through zip

spec-js/Observable-spec.js -

should schedule things recursively


should schedule things recursively via this.schedule


should schedule things in the future too


should be reusable after an error is thrown during execution


should pump values right on through itself


should pump values to multiple subscribers

spec-js/Subject-spec.js -
spec-js/Subject-spec.js -
spec-js/Subject-spec.js -
spec-js/Subject-spec.js -

should disallow new subscriber once subject has been disposed


should not allow values to be nexted after it is unsubscribed


should clean out unsubscribed subscribers


should have a static create function that works


should have a static create function that works also to raise errors


should be an Observer which can be given to Observable.subscribe


should be usable as an Observer of a finite delayed Observable


should throw ObjectUnsubscribedError when emit after unsubscribed


should not next after completed


should not next after error


should hide subject


should handle subject never emits


should handle subject completes without emits


should handle subject throws


should handle subject emits


should work with inherited subject


should be exposed


should not eager


should ignore next messages after unsubscription


should ignore error messages after unsubscription


should ignore complete messages after unsubscription


should not be closed when other subscriber with same observer instance completes


should call complete observer without any arguments


should not call error() if next() handler throws an error


should not leak


should not leak when adding a bad custom subscription to a subscription


Should returns the self if the self is passed


Should returns Subscription.EMPTY if it is passed


Should returns Subscription.EMPTY if it is called with void value


Should returns a new Subscription created with teardown function if it is passed a function


Should wrap the AnonymousSubscription and return a subscription that unsubscribes and removes it when unsubbed


Should returns the passed one if passed a AnonymousSubscription having not function unsubscribe member


Should returns the passed one if the self has been unsubscribed


Should unsubscribe the passed one if the self has been unsubscribed


should create an Observable via constructor


should create IteratorObservable via static create function


should not accept null (or truthy-equivalent to null) iterator


should not accept boolean as iterator


should emit members of an array iterator


should finalize generators if the subscription ends


should finalize generators if the subscription and it is scheduled


should emit members of an array iterator on a particular scheduler

spec-js/observables/IteratorObservable-spec.js -

should emit characters of a string iterator


should be possible to unsubscribe in the middle of the iteration


should create expose a value property


should create ScalarObservable via static create function


should not schedule further if subscriber unsubscribed


should set _isScalar to true when NOT called with a Scheduler


should set _isScalar to false when called with a Scheduler


should create Observable to be subscribed on specified scheduler


should specify default scheduler if incorrect scheduler specified


should create observable via staic create function


should subscribe after specified delay


should consider negative delay as zero


should pass multiple inner arguments as an array


should pass multiple inner arguments to the selector if there is one


should cache value for next subscription and not call callbackFunc again


should not even call the callbackFn if immediately unsubscribed


should emit undefined from a callback without arguments


should emit one value from a callback


should set callback function context to context of returned function


should emit one value chosen by a selector


should emit an error when the selector throws


should not emit, throw or complete if immediately unsubscribed


should emit undefined from a callback without arguments


should emit one value from a callback


should set callback function context to context of returned function


should error if callback throws


should error if selector throws


should use a selector


should pass multiple inner arguments as an array


should pass multiple inner arguments to the selector if there is one


should cache value for next subscription and not call callbackFunc again


should emit undefined when callback is called without success arguments


should emit one value from a callback


should set context of callback to context of boundCallback


should emit one value chosen by a selector


should raise error from callback


should emit an error when the selector throws


should not emit, throw or complete if immediately unsubscribed


should emit undefined when callback is called without success arguments


should emit one value from a callback


should set context of callback to context of boundCallback


should error if callback throws


should raise error from callback


should error if selector throws


should use a selector


should combineLatest the provided observables


should combine an immediately-scheduled source with an immediately-scheduled second


should accept array of observables


should work with two nevers


should work with never and empty


should work with empty and never


should work with empty and empty


should work with hot-empty and hot-single


should work with hot-single and hot-empty


should work with hot-single and never


should work with never and hot-single


should work with hot and hot


should work with empty and error


should work with error and empty


should work with hot and throw


should work with throw and hot


should work with throw and throw


should work with error and throw


should work with throw and error


should work with never and throw


should work with throw and never


should work with some and throw


should work with throw and some


should handle throw after complete left


should handle throw after complete right


should handle interleaved with tail


should handle two consecutive hot observables


should handle two consecutive hot observables with error left


should handle two consecutive hot observables with error right


should handle selector throwing


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should support promises


should support observables


should support mixed observables and promises


should support arrays of promises


should support arrays of observables


should return Array<T> when given a single promise


should return Array<T> when given a single observable


should emit elements from multiple sources


should concat the same cold observable multiple times

spec-js/observables/concat-spec.js -

should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should complete without emit if both sources are empty


should not complete if first source does not completes


should not complete if second source does not completes


should not complete if both sources do not complete


should raise error when first source is empty, second source raises error


should raise error when first source raises error, second source is empty


should raise first error when both source raise error


should concat if first source emits once, second source is empty


should concat if first source is empty, second source emits once

spec-js/observables/concat-spec.js -

should not complete if first source does not complete


should emit elements from each source when source emit once


should unsubscribe to inner source if outer is unsubscribed early


should raise error from first source and does not emit from second source


should emit element from first source then raise error from second source

spec-js/observables/concat-spec.js -
spec-js/observables/concat-spec.js -

should not emit collapsing element from second source


should return empty if concatenating an empty source


should error immediately if given a just-throw source

spec-js/observables/concat-spec.js -

should not emit collapsing element from second source


should concat an immediately-scheduled source with an immediately-scheduled second


should use the scheduler even when one Observable is concat'd


should return passed observable if no scheduler was passed


should return RxJS Observable when single lowerCaseO was passed


should create an observable from the provided observable factory


should create an observable from completed


should accept factory returns promise resolves


should accept factory returns promise rejects


should create an observable from error


should create an observable when factory throws


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should create default XMLHttpRequest for non CORS


should try to create AXObject for XHR in old version of IE


should throw if not able to create XMLHttpRequest


should create XMLHttpRequest for CORS


should try to create XDomainRequest for CORS if XMLHttpRequest is not available


should throw if not able to create CORS request


should set headers


should not set default Content-Type header when no body is sent


should error if createXHR throws


should error if send request throws


should succeed on 200


should fail on 404


should fail on 404


should succeed no settings


should fail no settings


should create an asynchronous request


should create a synchronous request


should work fine when XMLHttpRequest onreadystatechange property is monkey patched


should work fine when XMLHttpRequest ontimeout property is monkey patched


should work fine when XMLHttpRequest onprogress property is monkey patched


should work fine when XMLHttpRequest onerror property is monkey patched


can take string body


can take FormData body


should not fail when FormData is undefined


should send by form-urlencoded format


should send by JSON


should error if send request throws


should succeed on 200


should succeed on 204 No Content


should able to select json response via getJSON


should succeed on 200


should succeed on 204 No Content


should succeed in IE on 204 No Content


should emit progress event when progressSubscriber is specified


should emit progress event when progressSubscriber is specified in IE


should create an AjaxObservable with correct options


should send and receive messages


should allow the user to chain operators


receive multiple messages


should queue messages prior to subscription


should send messages immediately if already open


should close the socket when completed


should close the socket with a code and a reason when errored


should allow resubscription after closure via complete


should allow resubscription after closure via error


should have a default resultSelector that parses message data as JSON


should send and receive messages


should take a protocol and set it properly on the web socket


should take a binaryType and set it properly on the web socket


should take a resultSelector


if the resultSelector fails it should go down the error path


should accept a closingObserver


should accept a closeObserver


should handle constructor errors


should be retryable


should be repeatable


should multiplex over the websocket


should keep the same socket for multiple multiplex subscriptions


should not close the socket until all subscriptions complete


should join the last values of the provided observables into an array


should allow emit null or undefined


should join the last values of the provided observables with selector


should accept single observable


should accept array of observable contains single


should accept single observable with selector


should accept array of observable contains single with selector


should accept lowercase-o observables


should accept empty lowercase-o observables


should accept promise


should accept array of observables


should accept array of observables with selector


should not emit if any of source observable is empty


should complete early if any of source is empty and completes before than others


should complete when all sources are empty


should not complete when only source never completes


should not complete when one of the sources never completes


should complete when one of the sources never completes but other completes without values


should complete if source is not provided


should complete if sources list is empty


should complete when any of source is empty with selector


should emit results by resultselector


should raise error when any of source raises error with empty observable


should raise error when any of source raises error with source that never completes


should raise error when any of source raises error with selector with empty observable


should raise error when source raises error


should raise error when source raises error with selector


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should unsubscribe other Observables, when one of them errors


should support promises


should support observables


should support mixed observables and promises


should support arrays of promises


should support arrays of observables


should return Array<T> when given a single promise


should return Array<T> when given a single observable


should emit one value from a resolved promise


should raise error from a rejected promise


should share the underlying promise with multiple subscribers


should accept already-resolved Promise


should accept PromiseLike object for interoperability


should emit a value from a resolved promise on a separate scheduler


should raise error from a rejected promise on a separate scheduler


should share the underlying promise with multiple subscribers on a separate scheduler


should not emit, throw or complete if immediately unsubscribed


should globally throw unhandled errors on process


should globally throw unhandled errors on window


should throw for non observable object


should return T for ObservableLike objects


should return T for arrays

spec-js/observables/from-spec.js -
spec-js/observables/from-spec.js -

should setup an event observable on objects with "on" and "off"


should setup an event observable on objects with "addEventListener" and "removeEventListener"


should setup an event observable on objects with "addListener" and "removeListener"


should error on invalid event targets


should pass through options to addEventListener


should pass through events that occur


should pass through events that occur and use the selector if provided


should not fail if no event arguments are passed and the selector does not return


should return a value from the selector if no event arguments are passed


should pass multiple arguments to selector from event emitter


should not throw an exception calling toString on obj with a null prototype


should call addHandler on subscription


should call removeHandler on unsubscription


should work without optional removeHandler


should deliver return value of addHandler to removeHandler as signal


should send errors in addHandler down the error path


should accept a selector that maps outgoing values


should send errors in the selector down the error path


should use result selector


should allow omit condition


should stop producing when unsubscribed


should accept a scheduler


should allow minimal possible options


should emit error if result selector throws


should emit error if result selector throws on scheduler


should emit error after first value if iterate function throws


should emit error after first value if iterate function throws on scheduler


should emit error if condition function throws


should emit error if condition function throws on scheduler


should subscribe to thenSource when the conditional returns true


should subscribe to elseSource when the conditional returns false


should complete without an elseSource when the conditional returns false


should raise error when conditional throws


should accept resolved promise as thenSource


should accept resolved promise as elseSource


should accept rejected promise as elseSource


should accept rejected promise as thenSource


should set up an interval


should specify default scheduler if incorrect scheduler specified


should emit when relative interval set to zero


should consider negative interval as zero


should emit values until unsubscribed


should create an observable emitting periodically with the AsapScheduler


should create an observable emitting periodically with the QueueScheduler


should create an observable emitting periodically with the AnimationFrameScheduler


should merge cold and cold


should return itself when try to merge single observable


should merge hot and hot


should merge hot and cold


should merge parallel emissions


should merge empty and empty


should merge three empties


should merge never and empty


should merge never and never


should merge empty and throw


should merge hot and throw


should merge never and throw


should merge empty and eventual error


should merge hot and error


should merge never and error


should merge single lowerCaseO into RxJS Observable


should merge two lowerCaseO into RxJS Observable


should merge single lowerCaseO into RxJS Observable


should handle concurrency limits


should handle scheduler


should handle scheduler with concurrency limits


should use the scheduler even when one Observable is merged


should create an observable from the provided values


should return a scalar observable if only passed one value


should return a scalar observable if only passed one value and a scheduler


should return an array observable if passed many values


should return an empty observable if passed no values


should return an empty observable if passed only a scheduler


should emit one value


should handle an Observable as the only value


should handle many Observable as the given values


should continue with observables


should continue array of observables


should complete single observable throws


should create an observable without scheduler


should work with empty object


should race a single observable


should race cold and cold


should race with array of observable


should race hot and hot


should race hot and cold


should race 2nd and 1st


should race emit and complete


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should never emit when given non emitting sources


should throw when error occurs mid stream


should throw when error occurs before a winner is found


handle empty


handle never


handle throw


should synchronously create a range of values by default


should accept a scheduler


should create a RangeObservable


should accept a scheduler


should complete if index >= count


should next out another value and increment the index and start


should emit one value


should create expose a error property


should create ErrorObservable via static create function


should accept scheduler


should schedule a value of 0 then complete


should emit a single value immediately


should start after delay and periodically emit values


should start immediately and periodically emit values


should stop emiting values when subscription is done


should schedule a value at a specified Date


should start after delay and periodically emit values


should dispose of the resource when the subscription is disposed


should accept factory returns promise resolves


should accept factory returns promise rejects


should raise error when resource factory throws


should raise error when observable factory throws


should combine a source with a second


should zip the provided observables


should end once one observable completes and its buffer is empty

spec-js/observables/zip-spec.js -

should combine two observables and selector


should work with n-ary symmetric


should work with n-ary symmetric selector


should work with n-ary symmetric array selector


should work with some data asymmetric 1


should work with some data asymmetric 2


should work with some data symmetric


should work with selector throws


should work with right completes first


should work with two nevers


should work with never and empty


should work with empty and never


should work with empty and empty


should work with empty and non-empty


should work with non-empty and empty


should work with never and non-empty


should work with non-empty and never


should work with empty and error


should work with error and empty


should work with error


should work with never and error


should work with error and never


should work with error and error


should work with two sources that eventually raise errors


should work with two sources that eventually raise errors (swapped)


should work with error and some


should combine an immediately-scheduled source with an immediately-scheduled second


should support observables


should support mixed observables and promises


should support arrays of promises


should support arrays of observables


should return Array<T> when given a single promise


should return Array<T> when given a single observable


should zip them with values


should only call next as needed


should work with never observable and empty iterable


should work with empty observable and empty iterable


should work with empty observable and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty observable and empty iterable


should work with never observable and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty observable and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty observable and empty iterable


should work with observable which raises error and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty many observable and non-empty many iterable


should work with non-empty observable and non-empty iterable selector that throws


should delay the source if values are not emitted often enough


should audit with duration Observable using next to close the duration


should interrupt source and duration when result is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should handle a busy producer emitting a regular repeating sequence


should mirror source if durations are always empty


should mirror source if durations are Observable.empty()


should emit no values if duration is a never


should unsubscribe duration Observable when source raise error


should raise error as soon as just-throw duration is used


should audit using durations of constying lengths


should propagate error from duration Observable


should propagate error thrown from durationSelector function


should complete when source does not emit


should raise error when source does not emit and raises error


should handle an empty source


should handle a never source


should handle a throw source


should audit by promise resolves


should raise error when promise rejects


should auditTime events by 50 time units


should auditTime events multiple times


should delay the source if values are not emitted often enough


should handle a busy producer emitting a regular repeating sequence


should complete when source does not emit


should raise error when source does not emit and raises error


should handle an empty source


should handle a never source


should handle a throw source


should not complete when source does not complete


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should auditTime values until source raises error


should work with empty and empty selector


should work with empty and non-empty selector


should work with non-empty and empty selector


should work with never and never selector


should work with never and empty selector


should work with empty and never selector


should work with non-empty and throw selector


should work with throw and non-empty selector


should work with error


should work with error and non-empty selector


should work with selector


should work with selector completed


should allow unsubscribing the result Observable early


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should work with non-empty and selector error


should work with non-empty and empty selector error


should work with non-empty and selector error


should unsubscribe notifier when source unsubscribed


should unsubscribe notifier when source unsubscribed


should emit buffers at buffersize of intervals if not specified


should buffer properly (issue #2062)


should emit partial buffers if source completes before reaching specified buffer count


should emit full buffer then last partial buffer if source completes


should emit buffers at intervals, but stop when result is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should raise error if source raise error before reaching specified buffer count


should emit buffers with specified skip count when skip count is less than window count


should emit buffers with specified skip count when skip count is more than window count


should emit buffers at intervals test 2


should emit buffers at intervals or when the buffer is full


should emit buffers at intervals or when the buffer is full test 2


should emit buffers that have been created at intervals and close after the specified delay

spec-js/operators/bufferTime-spec.js -

should emit buffers with timeSpan 100 and creationInterval 70


should emit buffers but handle source ending with an error


should emit buffers and allow result to unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should handle empty


should handle never


should handle throw


should handle errors

spec-js/operators/bufferTime-spec.js -

should not throw when subscription synchronously unsubscribed after emit


should not have errors when take follows and maxBufferSize is provided

spec-js/operators/bufferToggle-spec.js -

should emit buffers using constying cold closings


should emit buffers using constying hot closings


should emit buffers using constying empty delayed closings


should emit buffers using constying cold closings, outer unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should propagate error thrown from closingSelector


should propagate error emitted from a closing


should propagate error emitted late from a closing


should handle errors


should handle empty source


should handle throw


should handle never


should handle a never opening Observable


should handle a never closing Observable


should handle opening Observable that just throws


should accept openings resolved promise


should accept openings rejected promise


should accept closing selector that returns a resolved promise


should accept closing selector that returns a rejected promise


should handle empty closing observable


should emit buffers using constying cold closings


should emit buffers using constying hot closings


should emit buffers using constying empty delayed closings


should emit buffers using constying cold closings, outer unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should propagate error thrown from closingSelector


should propagate error emitted from a closing


should propagate error emitted late from a closing


should handle errors


should handle empty


should handle throw


should handle never


should handle an inner never


should NOT handle hot inner empty


should handle inner throw


should handle disposing of source


should catch error and replace it with Observable.of()


should catch error and replace it with a cold Observable


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should unsubscribe from a caught hot caught observable when unsubscribed explicitly


should unsubscribe from a caught cold caught observable when unsubscribed explicitly


should catch error and replace it with a hot Observable

spec-js/operators/catch-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/catch-spec.js -

should catch and replace a Observable.throw() as the source


should mirror the source if it does not raise errors


should complete if you return Observable.empty()


should raise error if you return Observable.throw()


should never terminate if you return Observable.never()


should pass the error as the first argument


should accept selector returns any ObservableInput


should chain a throw from a promise using throw


should chain a throw from a promise using Observable.throw


should chain a throw from a promise using Observable.throw


should work with two nevers


should work with never and empty


should work with empty and never


should work with empty and empty


should work with hot-empty and hot-single


should work with hot-single and hot-empty


should work with hot-single and never


should work with never and hot-single


should work with hot and hot


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should combine 3 observables


should work with empty and error


should work with error and empty


should work with hot and throw


should work with throw and hot


should work with throw and throw


should work with error and throw


should work with throw and error


should work with never and throw


should work with throw and never


should work with some and throw


should work with throw and some


should handle throw after complete left


should handle throw after complete right


should handle interleaved with tail


should handle two consecutive hot observables


should handle two consecutive hot observables with error left


should handle two consecutive hot observables with error right


should handle selector throwing


should combine two observables


should combine two immediately-scheduled observables


should work with two nevers


should work with never and empty


should work with empty and never


should work with empty and empty


should work with hot-empty and hot-single


should work with hot-single and hot-empty


should work with hot-single and never


should work with never and hot-single


should work with hot and hot


should accept array of observables


should work with empty and error


should work with error and empty


should work with hot and throw


should work with throw and hot


should work with throw and throw


should work with error and throw


should work with throw and error


should work with never and throw


should work with throw and never


should work with some and throw


should work with throw and some


should handle throw after complete left


should handle throw after complete right


should handle interleaved with tail


should handle two consecutive hot observables


should handle two consecutive hot observables with error left


should handle two consecutive hot observables with error right


should handle selector throwing


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should emit unique array instances with the default projection


should work properly with scalar observables


should complete without emit if both sources are empty


should not complete if first source does not completes


should not complete if second source does not completes


should not complete if both sources do not complete


should raise error when first source is empty, second source raises error


should raise error when first source raises error, second source is empty


should raise first error when both source raise error


should concat if first source emits once, second source is empty


should concat if first source is empty, second source emits once

spec-js/operators/concat-spec.js -

should not complete if first source does not complete


should emit elements from each source when source emit once


should unsubscribe to inner source if outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should raise error from first source and does not emit from second source


should emit element from first source then raise error from second source

spec-js/operators/concat-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/concat-spec.js -

should not emit collapsing element from second source


should accept scheduler with multiple observables


should accept scheduler without observable parameters


should emit self without parameters


should concat sources from promise


should concat and raise error from promise


should concat all observables in an observable


should throw if any child observable throws


should concat merging a hot observable of non-overlapped observables


should raise error if inner observable raises error


should raise error if outer observable raises error


should complete without emit if both sources are empty


should not complete if first source does not completes


should not complete if second source does not completes


should not complete if both sources do not complete


should raise error when first source is empty, second source raises error


should raise error when first source raises error, second source is empty


should raise first error when both source raise error


should concat if first source emits once, second source is empty


should concat if first source is empty, second source emits once

spec-js/operators/concatAll-spec.js -

should not complete if first source does not complete


should emit elements from each source when source emit once


should unsubscribe to inner source if outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should raise error from first source and does not emit from second source


should emit element from first source then raise error from second source

spec-js/operators/concatAll-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/concatAll-spec.js -

should not emit collapsing element from second source


should be able to work on a different scheduler


should concatAll a nested observable with a single inner observable


should concatAll a nested observable with a single inner observable, and a scheduler


should concatenate many regular interval inners


should concatMap many outer values to many inner values


should handle an empty source


should handle a never source


should error immediately if given a just-throw source


should return a silenced version of the source if the mapped inner is empty


should return a never if the mapped inner is never


should propagate errors if the mapped inner is a just-throw Observable


should concatMap many outer to many inner, complete late


should concatMap many outer to many inner, outer never completes


should concatMap many outer to many inner, inner never completes


should concatMap many outer to many inner, and inner throws


should concatMap many outer to many inner, and outer throws


should concatMap many outer to many inner, both inner and outer throw


should concatMap many complex, where all inners are finite


should concatMap many complex, all inners finite except one


should concatMap many complex, inners finite, outer does not complete


should concatMap many complex, all inners finite, and outer throws


should concatMap many complex, all inners complete except one throws


should concatMap many complex, all inners finite, outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should concatMap many complex, all inners finite, project throws


should concatMap many outer to an array for each value


should concatMap many outer to inner arrays, using resultSelector


should concatMap many outer to inner arrays, and outer throws


should concatMap many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, outer throws


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, outer unsubscribed early


should concatMap many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, outer unsubscribed


should concatMap many outer to inner arrays, project throws


should concatMap many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector throws


should concatMap many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, project throws


should map values to constant resolved promises and concatenate


should map values to constant rejected promises and concatenate


should map values to resolved promises and concatenate


should map values to rejected promises and concatenate


should concatMap values to resolved promises with resultSelector


should concatMap values to rejected promises with resultSelector


should concatMapTo many outer values to many inner values


should handle an empty source


should handle a never source


should error immediately if given a just-throw source


should return a silenced version of the source if the mapped inner is empty


should return a never if the mapped inner is never


should propagate errors if the mapped inner is a just-throw Observable


should concatMapTo many outer to many inner, complete late


should concatMapTo many outer to many inner, outer never completes


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should concatMapTo many outer to many inner, inner never completes


should concatMapTo many outer to many inner, and inner throws


should concatMapTo many outer to many inner, and outer throws


should concatMapTo many outer to many inner, both inner and outer throw


should concatMapTo many outer to an array


should concatMapTo many outer to inner arrays, using resultSelector


should concatMapTo many outer to inner arrays, and outer throws


should concatMapTo many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, outer throws


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, outer unsubscribed early


should concatMapTo many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, outer unsubscribed


should concatMapTo many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector throws


should map values to constant resolved promises and concatenate


should map values to constant rejected promises and concatenate


should concatMapTo values to resolved promises with resultSelector


should concatMapTo values to rejected promises with resultSelector


should be never when source is never


should be zero when source is empty


should be never when source doesn't complete


should be zero when source doesn't have values


should count the unique value of an observable


should count the values of an ongoing hot observable


should count a range() source observable


should count a range().skip(1) source observable


should count a range().take(1) source observable


should work with error


should work with throw


should handle an always-true predicate on an empty hot observable


should handle an always-false predicate on an empty hot observable


should handle an always-true predicate on a simple hot observable


should handle an always-false predicate on a simple hot observable


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should handle a match-all predicate on observable with many values


should handle a match-none predicate on observable with many values


should handle an always-true predicate on observable that throws


should handle an always-false predicate on observable that throws


should handle an always-true predicate on a hot never-observable


should handle a predicate that throws, on observable with many values


should delay all element by selector observable


should debounce by selector observable


should complete when source does not emit


should complete when source is empty


should raise error when source does not emit and raises error


should raise error when source throws


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should debounce and does not complete when source does not completes


should not completes when source does not completes


should not completes when source never completes


should delay all element until source raises error


should debounce all elements while source emits by selector observable


should debounce all element while source emits by selector observable until raises error


should delay element by same selector observable emits multiple


should debounce by selector observable emits multiple


should debounce by selector observable until source completes


should raise error when selector observable raises error


should raise error when source raises error with selector observable


should raise error when selector function throws


should mirror the source when given an empty selector Observable


should ignore all values except last, when given a never selector Observable


should delay element by selector observable completes when it does not emits


should debounce by selector observable completes when it does not emits


should delay by promise resolves


should raises error when promise rejects


should delay all element by the specified time


should debounce and delay element by the specified time


should complete when source does not emit


should complete when source is empty


should raise error when source does not emit and raises error


should raise error when source throws


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should debounce and does not complete when source does not completes


should not completes when source does not completes


should not completes when source never completes


should delay all element until source raises error


should debounce all elements while source emits within given time


should debounce all element while source emits within given time until raises error


should return the argument if Observable is empty


should return null if the Observable is empty and no arguments


should return the Observable if not empty with a default value


should return the Observable if not empty with no default value


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should error if the Observable errors


should delay by absolute time period


should delay by absolute time period after subscription


should raise error when source raises error


should raise error when source raises error


should raise error when source raises error after subscription


should delay when source does not emits


should delay when source is empty


should not complete when source does not completes


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should not complete when source never completes


should delay by selector


should raise error if source raises error


should raise error if selector raises error


should delay by selector and completes after value emits


should delay by selector completes if selector does not emits


should not emit if selector never emits


should delay by first value from selector


should delay by selector does not completes


should raise error if selector throws


should start subscription when subscription delay emits


should start subscription when subscription delay completes without emit value


should raise error when subscription delay raises error


should complete when duration selector returns synchronous observable


should dematerialize a happy stream


should dematerialize a sad stream


should dematerialize stream does not completes


should dematerialize stream never completes


should dematerialize stream does not emit


should dematerialize empty stream


should dematerialize stream throws


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should dematerialize and completes when stream compltes with complete notification


should dematerialize and completes when stream emits complete notification


should distinguish between values


should distinguish between values and does not completes


should not completes if source never completes


should not completes if source does not completes


should complete if source is empty


should complete if source does not emit


should emit if source emits single element only


should emit if source is scalar


should raises error if source raises error


should raises error if source throws


should not omit if source elements are all different


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should emit once if source elements are all same


should distinguish values by key


should raises error when selector throws


should support a flushing stream


should raise error if flush raises error


should unsubscribe from the flushing stream when the main stream is unsubbed


should allow opting in to default comparator with flush


should distinguish between values


should distinguish between values and does not completes


should not completes if source never completes


should not completes if source does not completes


should complete if source is empty


should complete if source does not emit


should emit if source emits single element only


should emit if source is scalar


should raises error if source raises error


should raises error if source throws


should not omit if source elements are all different


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should emit once if source elements are all same


should emit once if comparator returns true always regardless of source emits


should emit all if comparator returns false always regardless of source emits


should distinguish values by comparator


should raises error when comparator throws


should use the keySelector to pick comparator values


should raises error when keySelector throws


should distinguish between values


should distinguish between values and does not completes


should distinguish between values with key


should not compare if source does not have element with key


should not completes if source never completes


should not completes if source does not completes


should complete if source is empty


should complete if source does not emit


should emit if source emits single element only


should emit if source is scalar


should raises error if source raises error


should raises error if source throws


should not omit if source elements are all different


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should emit once if source elements are all same


should emit once if comparer returns true always regardless of source emits


should emit all if comparer returns false always regardless of source emits


should distinguish values by selector


should raises error when comparer throws


should next with a callback


should error with a callback


should handle everything with an observer


should handle everything with a Subject


should handle an error with a callback


should handle an error with observer


should handle complete with observer


should handle next with observer


should raise error if next handler raises error


should raise error if error handler raises error


should raise error if complete handler raises error


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should mirror multiple values and complete


should mirror multiple values and terminate with error


should return first element by zero-based index


should return non-first element by zero-based index


should return last element by zero-based index


should raise error if source is Empty Observable


should propagate error if source is Throw Observable


should return Never if source is Never Observable


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when result Observable is unsubscribed


should throw if index is smaller than zero


should raise error if index is out of range but does not have default value


should return default value if index is out of range


should accept thisArg with scalar observables


should accept thisArg with array observables


should accept thisArg with ordinary observables


should emit true if source is empty


should emit false if single source of element does not match with predicate


should emit false if none of element does not match with predicate


should return false if only some of element matches with predicate


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when result Observable is unsubscribed


should propagate error if predicate eventually throws


should emit true if single source element match with predicate


should emit true if Scalar source matches with predicate


should emit false if Scalar source does not match with predicate


should propagate error if predicate throws on Scalar source


should emit true if Array source matches with predicate


should emit false if Array source does not match with predicate


should propagate error if predicate eventually throws on Array source


should emit true if all source element matches with predicate


should raise error if source raises error


should not completes if source never emits


should emit true if source element matches with predicate after subscription


should emit false if source element does not match with predicate after subscription


should raise error if source raises error after subscription


should emit true if source does not emit after subscription


should switch to first immediately-scheduled inner Observable


should handle throw


should handle empty


should handle never


should handle a hot observable of observables


should handle a hot observable of observables, outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should handle a hot observable of observables, inner never completes


should handle a synchronous switch and stay on the first inner observable


should handle a hot observable of observables, one inner throws


should handle a hot observable of observables, outer throws


should handle an empty hot observable


should handle a never hot observable


should complete not before the outer completes


should handle an observable of promises


should handle an observable of promises, where one rejects


should handle outer throw


should handle outer empty


should handle outer never


should raise error if project throws


should raise error if selector throws


should switch with a selector function


should switch inner cold observables, outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should switch inner cold observables, inner never completes


should handle a synchronous switch an stay on the first inner observable


should switch inner cold observables, one inner throws


should switch inner hot observables


should switch inner empty and empty


should switch inner empty and never


should never switch inner never


should switch inner empty and throw


should handle outer error


should switch with resultSelector goodness


should work with scheduler


should map and recursively flatten


should map and recursively flatten, and handle event raised error


should map and recursively flatten, and propagate error thrown from projection


should allow unsubscribing early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should allow concurrent expansions


should allow configuring the concurrency limit parameter to 1


should allow configuring the concurrency limit parameter to 2


should ignore concurrency limit if it is not passed


should map and recursively flatten with scalars


should recursively flatten promises


should recursively flatten Arrays


should recursively flatten lowercase-o observables


should work when passing undefined for the optional arguments


should filter in only prime numbers


should filter with an always-true predicate


should filter with an always-false predicate


should filter in only prime numbers, source unsubscribes early


should filter in only prime numbers, source throws


should filter in only prime numbers, but predicate throws


should filter in only prime numbers, predicate with index


should invoke predicate once for each checked value

spec-js/operators/filter-spec.js -

should filter in only prime numbers, predicate with index, source throws


should filter in only prime numbers, predicate with index and throws


should compose with another filter to allow multiples of six


should be able to accept and use a thisArg


should be able to use filter and map composed


should propagate errors from the source


should support Observable.empty


should support Observable.never


should support Observable.throw


should send errors down the error path


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should support type guards without breaking previous behavior


should call finally after complete


should call finally after error


should call finally upon disposal

spec-js/operators/finally-spec.js -

should call two finally instances in succession on a shared Observable


should handle empty


should handle never


should handle throw


should handle basic hot observable


should handle basic cold observable


should handle basic error


should handle unsubscription


should throw if not provided a function


should not emit if source does not emit


should return undefined if source is empty to match predicate


should return matching element from source emits single element


should return matching element from source emits multiple elements


should work with a custom thisArg


should return undefined if element does not match with predicate


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should raise if source raise error while element does not match with predicate


should raise error if predicate throws error


should support type guards without breaking previous behavior


should not emit if source does not emit


should return negative index if source is empty to match predicate


should return index of element from source emits single element


should return index of matching element from source emits multiple elements


should work with a custom thisArg


should return negative index if element does not match with predicate


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should raise if source raise error while element does not match with predicate


should raise error if predicate throws error


should take the first value of an observable with one value


should error on empty


should return the default value if source observable was empty


should only emit one value in recursive cases


should propagate error from the source observable


should go on forever on never


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should return first value that matches a predicate


should return first value that matches a predicate for odd numbers


should error when no value matches the predicate


should return the default value when no value matches the predicate


should propagate error when no value matches the predicate


should return first value that matches the index in the predicate


should propagate error from predicate


should support a result selector argument


should raise error when result selector throws


should support type guards without breaking previous behavior


should group values


should group values with an element selector


should group values with a duration selector


should group values with a subject selector


should handle an empty Observable


should handle a never Observable


should handle a just-throw Observable


should handle an Observable with a single value


should group values with a keySelector


should emit GroupObservables


should group values with a keySelector, assert GroupSubject key


should group values with a keySelector, but outer throws


should group values with a keySelector, inners propagate error from outer


should allow outer to be unsubscribed early


should unsubscribe from the source when the outer and inner subscriptions are disposed


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should group values with a keySelector which eventually throws

spec-js/operators/groupBy-spec.js -

should allow the outer to be unsubscribed early but inners continue


should allow an inner to be unsubscribed early but other inners continue


should allow inners to be unsubscribed early at different times


should allow subscribing late to an inner Observable, outer completes


should allow subscribing late to an inner Observable, outer throws


should allow subscribing late to inner, unsubscribe outer early


should allow using a keySelector, elementSelector, and durationSelector


should allow using a keySelector, elementSelector, and durationSelector that throws


should allow using a keySelector and a durationSelector, outer throws


should allow using a durationSelector, and outer unsubscribed early


should allow using a durationSelector, outer and all inners unsubscribed early


should dispose a durationSelector after closing the group


should allow using a durationSelector, but keySelector throws


should allow using a durationSelector, but elementSelector throws


should allow using a durationSelector which eventually throws

spec-js/operators/groupBy-spec.js -

should allow inners to be unsubscribed early at different times, with durationSelector


should return inners that when subscribed late exhibit hot behavior


should return inner group that when subscribed late emits complete()


should return inner group that when subscribed late emits error()


should return inner that does not throw when faulty outer is unsubscribed early


should not break lift() composability


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should propagate errors from the source


should support Observable.empty


should support Observable.never


should support Observable.throw


should return false if source emits element


should raise error if source raise error


should not completes if source never emits


should return true if source is Observable.empty()


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should error on nothing sent but completed


should error on empty


should go on forever on never


should return last element matches with predicate


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should return a default value if no element found


should not return default value if an element is found


should support a result selector argument


should raise error when predicate throws


should raise error when result selector throws


should support type guards without breaking previous behavior


should be able to compose with let


should map one value


should throw an error if not passed a function


should map multiple values


should propagate errors from map function


should propagate errors from observable that emits only errors


should propagate errors from observable that emit values


should propagate errors from subscribe


should not map an empty observable


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should map with index


should map with index until completed


should map with index until an error occurs


should map using a custom thisArg


should map twice


should do multiple maps using a custom thisArg


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should map one value


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should propagate errors from observable that emits only errors


should propagate errors from observable that emit values


should propagate errors from subscribe


should not map an empty observable


should map twice


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should materialize a happy stream


should materialize a sad stream


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should materialize stream does not completes


should materialize stream never completes


should materialize stream does not emit


should materialize empty stream


should materialize stream throws


should be never when source is never


should be zero when source is empty


should be never when source doesn't complete


should be completes when source doesn't have values


should max the unique value of an observable


should max the values of an ongoing hot observable


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should max a range() source observable


should max a range().skip(1) source observable


should max a range().take(1) source observable


should work with error


should work with throw


should handle a constant predicate on an empty hot observable


should handle a constant predicate on an never hot observable


should handle a constant predicate on a simple hot observable


should handle a reverse predicate on observable with many values


should handle a predicate for string on observable with many values


should handle a constant predicate on observable that throws


should handle a predicate that throws, on observable with many values


should merge a source with a second


should merge an immediately-scheduled source with an immediately-scheduled second


should merge cold and cold


should merge hot and hot


should merge hot and cold


should merge parallel emissions


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should merge empty and empty


should merge three empties


should merge never and empty


should merge never and never


should merge empty and throw


should merge hot and throw


should merge never and throw


should merge empty and eventual error


should merge hot and error


should merge never and error


should merge two observables


should merge two immediately-scheduled observables


should merge all observables in an observable


should throw if any child observable throws


should handle merging a hot observable of observables


should merge one cold Observable at a time with parameter concurrency=1


should merge two cold Observables at a time with parameter concurrency=2


should merge one hot Observable at a time with parameter concurrency=1


should merge two hot Observables at a time with parameter concurrency=2


should handle merging a hot observable of observables, outer unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should merge parallel emissions


should merge empty and empty


should merge three empties


should merge never and empty


should merge never and never


should merge empty and throw


should merge never and throw


should merge empty and eventual error


should merge never and eventual error


should take an empty source and return empty too


should take a never source and return never too


should take a throw source and return throw too


should handle merging a hot observable of non-overlapped observables


should raise error if inner observable raises error


should raise error if outer observable raises error


should merge all promises in an observable


should raise error when promise rejects


should mergeMap many regular interval inners


should map values to constant resolved promises and merge


should map values to constant rejected promises and merge


should map values to resolved promises and merge


should map values to rejected promises and merge


should mergeMap values to resolved promises with resultSelector


should mergeMap values to rejected promises with resultSelector


should mergeMap many outer values to many inner values


should mergeMap many outer to many inner, complete late


should mergeMap many outer to many inner, outer never completes


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should mergeMap many outer to many inner, inner never completes


should mergeMap many outer to many inner, and inner throws


should mergeMap many outer to many inner, and outer throws


should mergeMap many outer to many inner, both inner and outer throw


should mergeMap to many cold Observable, with parameter concurrency=1


should mergeMap to many cold Observable, with parameter concurrency=2


should mergeMap to many hot Observable, with parameter concurrency=1


should mergeMap to many hot Observable, with parameter concurrency=2


should mergeMap to many cold Observable, with parameter concurrency=1, without resultSelector


should mergeMap to many cold Observable, with parameter concurrency=2, without resultSelector


should mergeMap to many hot Observable, with parameter concurrency=1, without resultSelector


should mergeMap to many hot Observable, with parameter concurrency=2, without resultSelector


should mergeMap many complex, where all inners are finite


should mergeMap many complex, all inners finite except one


should mergeMap many complex, inners finite, outer does not complete


should mergeMap many complex, all inners finite, and outer throws


should mergeMap many complex, all inners complete except one throws


should mergeMap many complex, all inners finite, outer is unsubscribed


should mergeMap many complex, all inners finite, project throws


should mergeMap many outer to an array for each value


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, using resultSelector


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, and outer throws


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, outer throws


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, outer gets unsubscribed


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, outer unsubscribed


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, project throws


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector throws


should mergeMap many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, project throws


should map and flatten


should map and flatten an Array


should support type signatures


should mergeMapTo many regular interval inners


should map values to constant resolved promises and merge


should map values to constant rejected promises and merge


should mergeMapTo values to resolved promises with resultSelector


should mergeMapTo values to rejected promises with resultSelector


should mergeMapTo many outer values to many inner values


should mergeMapTo many outer to many inner, complete late


should mergeMapTo many outer to many inner, outer never completes


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should mergeMapTo many outer to many inner, inner never completes


should mergeMapTo many outer to many inner, and inner throws


should mergeMapTo many outer to many inner, and outer throws


should mergeMapTo many outer to many inner, both inner and outer throw


should mergeMapTo many cold Observable, with parameter concurrency=1


should mergeMap to many cold Observable, with parameter concurrency=2


should mergeMapTo many cold Observable, with parameter concurrency=1, without resultSelector


should mergeMap to many cold Observable, with parameter concurrency=2, without resultSelector


should mergeMapTo many outer to arrays


should mergeMapTo many outer to inner arrays, using resultSelector


should mergeMapTo many outer to inner arrays, and outer throws


should mergeMapTo many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, outer throws


should mergeMapTo many outer to inner arrays, outer gets unsubscribed


should mergeMapTo many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector, outer unsubscribed


should mergeMapTo many outer to inner arrays, resultSelector throws


should map and flatten


should map and flatten an Array


should support type signatures


should mergeScan things


should handle errors


should mergeScan values and be able to asynchronously project them


should not stop ongoing async projections when source completes


should interrupt ongoing async projections when result is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should handle errors in the projection function


should propagate errors from the projected Observable


should handle an empty projected Observable


should handle a never projected Observable


handle empty


handle never


handle throw


should mergeScan unsubscription


should mergescan projects cold Observable with single concurrency


should emit accumulator if inner completes without value


should emit accumulator if inner completes without value after source completes


should mergescan projects hot Observable with single concurrency


should mergescan projects cold Observable with dual concurrency


should mergescan projects hot Observable with dual concurrency


should be never when source is never


should be zero when source is empty


should be never when source doesn't complete


should be completes when source doesn't have values


should min the unique value of an observable


should min the values of an ongoing hot observable


should min a range() source observable


should min a range().skip(1) source observable


should min a range().take(1) source observable


should work with error


should work with throw


should handle a constant predicate on an empty hot observable


should handle a constant predicate on an never hot observable


should handle a constant predicate on a simple hot observable


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should handle a reverse predicate on observable with many values


should handle a predicate for string on observable with many values


should handle a constant predicate on observable that throws


should handle a predicate that throws, on observable with many values


should accept Subjects


should multicast a ConnectableObservable


should accept Subject factory functions


should accept a multicast selector and connect to a hot source for each subscriber


should accept a multicast selector and connect to a cold source for each subscriber


should accept a multicast selector and respect the subject's messaging semantics


should do nothing if connect is not called, despite subscriptions


should multicast the same values to multiple observers


should multicast an error from the source to multiple observers

spec-js/operators/multicast-spec.js -

should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should multicast an empty source


should multicast a never source


should multicast a throw source


should multicast one observable to multiple observers


should remove all subscribers from the subject when disconnected


should connect when first subscriber subscribes


should disconnect when last subscriber unsubscribes


should be retryable when cold source is synchronous


should be retryable with ReplaySubject and cold source is synchronous


should be repeatable when cold source is synchronous


should be repeatable with ReplaySubject and cold source is synchronous


should be retryable


should be retryable using a ReplaySubject


should be repeatable


should be repeatable using a ReplaySubject


should allow you to reconnect by subscribing again

spec-js/operators/multicast-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/multicast-spec.js -

should observe after specified delay


should observe when source raises error


should observe when source is empty


should observe when source does not complete


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when the result is unsubscribed explicitly


should clean up subscriptions created by async scheduling (prevent memory leaks #2244)


should continue with hot observables


should continue with array of multiple observables throw error


should continue with multiple observables throw error


should continue with multiple observables does not throw error


should continue after empty observable


should not complete with observble does not ends


should not continue with observble does not ends


should complete observable with next observable throws


should work with promise


should pairwise things


should not emit on single-element streams


should handle mid-stream throw


should handle empty


should handle never


should handle throw


should partition an observable into two using a predicate


should partition an observable into two using a predicate and thisArg


should pass errors to both returned observables


should pass errors to both returned observables if source throws


should pass errors to both returned observables if predicate throws


should partition empty observable if source does not emits


should partition empty observable if source is empty


should partition if source emits single elements


should partition if predicate matches all of source elements


should partition if predicate does not match all of source elements


should partition to infinite observable if source does not completes


should partition to infinite observable if source never completes


should partition into two observable with early unsubscription


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should throw without predicate


should accept thisArg


should work for one object


should work for multiple objects


should work with deep nested properties


should work with edge cases of deep nested properties


should throw an error if not property is passed


should propagate errors from observable that emits only errors


should propagate errors from observable that emit values


should not pluck an empty observable


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should pluck twice


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should return a ConnectableObservable-ish


should do nothing if connect is not called, despite subscriptions


should multicast the same values to multiple observers


should accept selectors


should multicast an error from the source to multiple observers

spec-js/operators/publish-spec.js -

should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should emit completed when subscribed after completed


should multicast an empty source


should multicast a never source


should multicast a throw source


should multicast one observable to multiple observers


should connect when first subscriber subscribes


should disconnect when last subscriber unsubscribes


should NOT be retryable


should NOT be repeatable


should return a ConnectableObservable-ish


should only emit default value if connect is not called, despite subscriptions


should multicast the same values to multiple observers


should multicast an error from the source to multiple observers

spec-js/operators/publishBehavior-spec.js -

should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should emit completed when subscribed after completed


should multicast an empty source


should multicast a never source


should multicast a throw source


should multicast one observable to multiple observers


should follow the RxJS 4 behavior and emit nothing to observer after completed


should connect when first subscriber subscribes


should disconnect when last subscriber unsubscribes


should NOT be retryable


should NOT be repeatable


should return a ConnectableObservable-ish


should do nothing if connect is not called, despite subscriptions


should multicast the same values to multiple observers


should multicast an error from the source to multiple observers

spec-js/operators/publishLast-spec.js -

should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should multicast an empty source


should multicast a never source


should multicast a throw source


should multicast one observable to multiple observers


should connect when first subscriber subscribes


should disconnect when last subscriber unsubscribes


should NOT be retryable


should return a ConnectableObservable-ish


should do nothing if connect is not called, despite subscriptions


should multicast the same values to multiple observers, bufferSize=1


should multicast the same values to multiple observers, bufferSize=2


should multicast an error from the source to multiple observers

spec-js/operators/publishReplay-spec.js -

should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should multicast one observable to multiple observers


should replay as many events as specified by the bufferSize

spec-js/operators/publishReplay-spec.js -

should emit replayed values plus completed when subscribed after completed


should multicast an empty source


should multicast a never source


should multicast a throw source


should connect when first subscriber subscribes


should disconnect when last subscriber unsubscribes


should NOT be retryable


should NOT be repeatable


should race cold and cold


should race cold and cold and accept an Array of Observable argument


should race hot and hot


should race hot and cold


should race 2nd and 1st


should race emit and complete


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly


should never emit when given non emitting sources


should throw when error occurs mid stream


should throw when error occurs before a winner is found


should allow observable emits immediately


should ignore latter observables if a former one emits immediately


should unsubscribe former observables if a latter one emits immediately


should unsubscribe from immediately emitting observable on unsubscription


should reduce with seed


should reduce with a seed of undefined


should reduce without a seed


should reduce with index without seed


should reduce with index with seed


should reduce with seed if source is empty


should raise error if reduce function throws without seed


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should raise error if source emits and raises error with seed


should raise error if source raises error with seed


should raise error if reduce function throws with seed


should not complete with seed if source emits but does not completes


should not complete with seed if source never completes


should not complete without seed if source emits but does not completes


should not complete without seed if source never completes


should reduce if source does not emit without seed


should raise error if source emits and raises error without seed


should raise error if source raises error without seed


should accept array typed reducers


should accept T typed reducers


should accept T typed reducers when T is an array


should accept R typed reduces when R is an array of T


should accept R typed reducers when R is assignable to T


should accept R typed reducers when R is not assignable to T


should accept R typed reducers and reduce to type R


should accept array of R typed reducers and reduce to array of R


should count references


should unsub from the source when all other subscriptions are unsubbed

spec-js/operators/refCount-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/refCount-spec.js -

should resubscribe multiple times


should complete without emit when count is zero


should emit source once when count is one


should repeat until gets unsubscribed


should be able to repeat indefinitely until unsubscribed


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should consider negative count as repeat indefinitely


should not complete when source never completes


should not complete when source does not completes


should complete immediately when source does not complete without emit but count is zero


should complete immediately when source does not complete but count is zero


should emit source once and does not complete when source emits but does not complete


should complete when source is empty


should complete when source does not emit


should complete immediately when source does not emit but count is zero


should raise error when source raises error


should raises error if source throws


should raises error if source throws when repeating infinitely


should terminate repeat and throw if source subscription to _next throws


should terminate repeat and throw if source subscription to _complete throws


should terminate repeat and throw if source subscription to _next throws when repeating infinitely


should terminate repeat and throw if source subscription to _complete throws when repeating infinitely


should raise error after first emit succeed


should repeat a synchronous source (multicasted and refCounted) multiple times


should handle a source with eventual complete using a hot notifier that raises error


should retry when notified via returned notifier on complete


should retry when notified and complete on returned completion


should apply an empty notifier on an empty source


should apply a never notifier on an empty source


should apply an empty notifier on a never source


should apply a never notifier on a never source


should return an empty observable given a just-throw source and empty notifier


should return a error observable given a just-throw source and never notifier


should mirror a basic cold source with complete, given a never notifier


should mirror a basic cold source with no termination, given a never notifier


should mirror a basic hot source with complete, given a never notifier


should tear down resources when result is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly

spec-js/operators/repeatWhen-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/repeatWhen-spec.js -

should retry a number of times, without error, then complete


should retry a number of times, then call error handler


should retry until successful completion


should handle an empty source


should handle a never source


should return a never observable given an async just-throw source and no count


should handle a basic source that emits next then completes


should handle a basic source that emits next but does not complete


should handle a basic source that emits next then errors, no count

spec-js/operators/retry-spec.js -

should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should retry a synchronous source (multicasted and refCounted) multiple times


should handle a source with eventual error using a hot notifier that raises error


should retry when notified via returned notifier on thrown error


should retry when notified and complete on returned completion


should apply an empty notifier on an empty source


should apply a never notifier on an empty source


should apply an empty notifier on a never source


should apply a never notifier on a never source


should return an empty observable given a just-throw source and empty notifier


should return a never observable given a just-throw source and never notifier


should hide errors using a never notifier on a source with eventual error


should propagate error thrown from notifierSelector function

spec-js/operators/retryWhen-spec.js -

should mirror a basic cold source with complete, given a never notifier


should mirror a basic cold source with no termination, given a never notifier


should mirror a basic hot source with complete, given a never notifier


should handle a hot source that raises error but eventually completes


should tear down resources when result is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when unsubscribed explicitly

spec-js/operators/retryWhen-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/retryWhen-spec.js -

should sample nothing if source has not nexted at all


should behave properly when notified by the same observable as the source (issue #2075)


should sample nothing if source has nexted after all notifications, but notifier does not complete


should sample when the notifier completes


should not complete when the notifier completes, nor should it emit


should complete only when the source completes, if notifier completes early


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should only sample when a new value arrives, even if it is the same value


should raise error if source raises error


should completes if source does not emits


should raise error if source throws immediately


should raise error if notification raises error


should not completes if source does not complete


should sample only until source completes


should complete sampling if sample observable completes


should sample nothing if new value has not arrived


should sample if new value has arrived, even if it is the same value


should sample nothing if source has not nexted by time of sample


should raise error if source raises error


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should completes if source does not emits


should raise error if source throws immediately


should not completes if source does not complete


should scan things


should scan with a seed of undefined


should scan without seed


should handle errors


should handle errors in the projection function


handle empty


handle never


handle throw


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should pass current index to accumulator


should accept array typed reducers


should accept T typed reducers


should accept R typed reducers


should return false for two sync observables that are unequal in length


should return true for two sync observables that match


should return true for two observables that match when the last one emits and completes in the same frame


should return true for two observables that match when the last one emits and completes in the same frame


should error with an errored source


should error with an errored compareTo


should error if the source is a throw


should never return if source is a never


should never return if compareTo is a never


should return false if source is empty and compareTo is not


should return false if compareTo is empty and source is not


should return never if compareTo is empty and source is never


should return never if source is empty and compareTo is never


should error if the comparor errors


should use the provided comparor


should return false for two unequal sequences, compareTo finishing last


should return false for two unequal sequences, early wrong value from source


should return false when the source emits an extra value after the compareTo completes


should return false when the compareTo emits an extra value after the source completes


should return true for two empty observables


should return false for an empty observable and an observable that emits


should return compare hot and cold observables


should share a single subscription


should not change the output of the observable when error


should not change the output of the observable when successful with cold observable


should not change the output of the observable when error with cold observable


should retry just fine


should share the same values to multiple observers


should share an error from the source to multiple observers

spec-js/operators/share-spec.js -

should share an empty source


should share a never source


should share a throw source


should connect when first subscriber subscribes


should disconnect when last subscriber unsubscribes


should not break unsubscription chain when last subscriber unsubscribes


should be retryable when cold source is synchronous


should be repeatable when cold source is synchronous


should be retryable


should be repeatable


should not change the output of the observable when never


should not change the output of the observable when empty


should mirror a simple source Observable


should do nothing if result is not subscribed


should multicast the same values to multiple observers, bufferSize=1


should multicast the same values to multiple observers, bufferSize=2


should multicast an error from the source to multiple observers


should multicast an empty source


should multicast a never source


should multicast a throw source


should replay results to subsequent subscriptions if source completes, bufferSize=2


should completely restart for subsequent subscriptions if source errors, bufferSize=2


should be retryable, bufferSize=2


should raise error from empty predicate if observable does not emit


should return only element from empty predicate if observable emits only once


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should raise error from empty predicate if observable emits error


should raise error from predicate if observable emits error


should raise error if predicate throws error


should return element from predicate if observable have single matching element


should raise error from predicate if observable have multiple matching element


should raise error from predicate if observable does not emit


should return undefined from predicate if observable does not contain matching element


should call predicate with indices starting at 0


should skip all values without error if total is more than actual number of values


should skip all values without error if total is same as actual number of values


should not skip if count is zero


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should raise error if skip count is more than actual number of emits and source raises error


should raise error if skip count is same as emits of source and source raises error


should skip values before a total and raises error if source raises error


should complete regardless of skip count if source is empty


should not complete if source never completes without emit


should skip values before total and never completes if source emits and does not complete


should skip all values and never completes if total is more than numbers of value and source does not complete


should skip all values and never completes if total is same asnumbers of value and source does not complete


should raise error if source throws


should skip last three values


should skip all values when trying to take larger then source


should skip all element when try to take exact


should not skip any values


should work with empty


should go on forever on never


should skip one value from an observable with one value


should skip one value from an observable with many values


should work with empty and early emission


should propagate error from the source observable


should propagate error from an observable with values


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should work with throw


should throw if total is less than zero


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should emit element only after another observable emits


should skip value and raises error until another observable raises error


should skip all element when another observable does not emit and completes early


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should skip all element when another observable is empty


should keep subscription to source, to wait for its eventual complete


should not complete if source observable does not complete


should not complete if source observable never completes


should raise error if source does not completes when another observable raises error


should raise error if source never completes when another observable raises error


should skip all element and does not complete when another observable never completes


should skip all element and does not complete when another observable does not completes


should skip all element and does not complete when another observable completes after source


should not completes if source does not completes when another observable does not emit


should not completes if source and another observable both does not complete


should skip all element when another observable unsubscribed early before emit


should skip all elements with a true predicate


should skip all elements with a truthy predicate


should not skip any element with a false predicate


should not skip any elements with a falsy predicate


should skip elements on hot source


should be possible to skip using the element's index


should skip using index with source unsubscribes early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should skip using value with source throws


should invoke predicate while its false and never again


should handle predicate that throws


should handle Observable.empty


should handle Observable.never


should handle Observable.throw


should start an observable with given value


should start with given value and does not completes if source does not completes


should start with given value and does not completes if source never emits


should start with given value and completes if source does not emits


should start with given value and complete immediately if source is empty


should start with given value and source both if source emits single value


should start with given values when given value is more than one


should start with given value and raises error if source raises error


should start with given value and raises error immediately if source throws error


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should start with empty if given value is not specified


should accept scheduler as last argument with single value


should accept scheduler as last argument with multiple value


should start subscribe after specified delay


should subscribe when source raises error


should subscribe when source is empty


should subscribe when source does not complete


should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when the result is unsubscribed explicitly


should switch to each immediately-scheduled inner Observable


should unsub inner observables


should switch to each inner Observable


should handle a hot observable of observables


should handle a hot observable of observables, outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should handle a hot observable of observables, inner never completes


should handle a synchronous switch to the second inner observable


should handle a hot observable of observables, one inner throws


should handle a hot observable of observables, outer throws


should handle an empty hot observable


should handle a never hot observable


should complete not before the outer completes


should handle an observable of promises


should handle an observable of promises, where last rejects


should handle an observable with Arrays in it


should not leak when child completes before each switch (prevent memory leaks #2355)


should not leak if we switch before child completes (prevent memory leaks #2355)


should switch with a selector function


should unsub inner observables


should switch inner cold observables


should raise error when projection throws


should raise error when resultSelector throws


should switch inner cold observables, outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should switch inner cold observables, inner never completes


should handle a synchronous switch to the second inner observable


should switch inner cold observables, one inner throws


should switch inner hot observables


should switch inner empty and empty


should switch inner empty and never


should switch inner never and empty


should switch inner never and throw


should switch inner empty and throw


should handle outer empty


should handle outer never


should handle outer throw


should handle outer error


should switch with resultSelector goodness


should switch a synchronous many outer to a synchronous many inner


should unsub inner observables


should switch to an inner cold observable


should switch to an inner cold observable, outer eventually throws


should switch to an inner cold observable, outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should switch to an inner cold observable, inner never completes


should handle a synchronous switch to the inner observable


should switch to an inner cold observable, inner raises an error


should switch an inner hot observable


should switch to an inner empty


should switch to an inner never


should switch to an inner that just raises an error


should handle an empty outer


should handle a never outer


should handle an outer that just raises and error


should switch with resultSelector goodness


should raise error when resultSelector throws


should work with empty


should go on forever on never


should be empty on take(0)


should take one value of an observable with one value


should take one values of an observable with many values


should error on empty


should propagate error from the source observable


should propagate error from an observable with values


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should work with throw


should throw if total is less than zero


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should unsubscribe from the source when it reaches the limit


should complete when the source is reentrant


should take last three values


should take all element when try to take larger then source


should take all element when try to take exact


should not take any values


should work with empty


should go on forever on never


should be empty on takeLast(0)


should take one value from an observable with one value


should take one value from an observable with many values


should error on empty


should propagate error from the source observable


should propagate error from an observable with values


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should work with throw


should throw if total is less than zero


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should take values and raises error when notifier raises error


should take all values when notifier is empty


should take all values when notifier does not complete


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should complete when notifier emits if source observable does not complete


should raise error when notifier raises error if source observable does not complete


should not complete when notifier is empty if source observable does not complete


should not complete when source and notifier do not complete


should complete when notifier emits before source observable emits


should raise error if source raises error before notifier emits


should raise error immediately if source throws


should dispose source observable if notifier emits before source emits


should dispose notifier if source observable completes


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should take all elements with predicate returns true


should take all elements with truthy predicate


should skip all elements with predicate returns false


should skip all elements with falsy predicate


should take all elements until predicate return false


should take elements with predicate when source does not complete


should not complete when source never completes


should complete when source does not emit


should complete when source is empty


should pass element index to predicate


should raise error when source raises error


should raise error when source throws


should invoke predicate until return false


should raise error if predicate throws


should take elements until unsubscribed


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should simply mirror the source if values are not emitted often enough


should throttle with duration Observable using next to close the duration


should interrupt source and duration when result is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should handle a busy producer emitting a regular repeating sequence


should mirror source if durations are always empty


should take only the first value emitted if duration is a never


should unsubscribe duration Observable when source raise error


should raise error as soon as just-throw duration is used


should throttle using durations of constying lengths


should propagate error from duration Observable


should propagate error thrown from durationSelector function


should complete when source does not emit


should raise error when source does not emit and raises error


should handle an empty source


should handle a never source


should handle a throw source


should throttle by promise resolves


should raise error when promise rejects


should throttle events by 50 time units


should throttle events multiple times


should simply mirror the source if values are not emitted often enough


should handle a busy producer emitting a regular repeating sequence


should complete when source does not emit


should raise error when source does not emit and raises error


should handle an empty source


should handle a never source


should handle a throw source


should throttle and does not complete when source does not completes


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should throttle values until source raises error


should record interval if source emit elements


should completes without record interval if source does not emits


should complete immediately if source is empty


should record interval then does not completes if source emits but not completes


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should not completes if source never completes


raise error if source raises error


should record interval then raise error if source raises error after emit


should raise error if source immediately throws


should emit and error of an instanceof TimeoutError on timeout


should not timeout if source completes within absolute timeout period


should not timeout if source emits within timeout period


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly

spec-js/operators/timeout-spec.js -

should timeout at a specified Date


should timeout specified Date with default error while source emits


should unsubscribe from the scheduled timeout action when timeout is unsubscribed early


should timeout at a specified date then subscribe to the passed observable

spec-js/operators/timeoutWith-spec.js -

should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should not subscribe to withObservable after explicit unsubscription

spec-js/operators/timeoutWith-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/timeoutWith-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/timeoutWith-spec.js -
spec-js/operators/timeoutWith-spec.js -

should not timeout if source completes within timeout period


should not timeout if source raises error within timeout period


should not timeout if source emits within timeout period


should timeout after specified Date then subscribe to the passed observable


should not timeout if source completes within specified Date


should not timeout if source raises error within specified Date

spec-js/operators/timeoutWith-spec.js -

should unsubscribe from the scheduled timeout action when timeout is unsubscribed early


should record stamp if source emit elements


should completes without record stamp if source does not emits


should complete immediately if source is empty


should record stamp then does not completes if source emits but not completes


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should not completes if source never completes


raise error if source raises error


should record stamp then raise error if source raises error after emit


should raise error if source immediately throws


should be never when source is never


should be never when source is empty


should be never when source doesn't complete


should reduce observable without values into an array of length zero


should reduce the a single value of an observable into an array


should allow unsubscribing explicitly and early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should work with error


should work with throw


should convert an Observable to a promise of its last value


should handle errors properly


should allow for global config via Rx.config.Promise


should return a single empty window if source is empty and closings are basic


should return a single empty window if source is empty and closing is empty


should return a single empty window if source is sync empty and closing is sync empty


should split a Just source into a single window identical to source, using a Never closing


should return a single Never window if source is Never


should be able to split a never Observable into timely empty windows


should emit an error-only window if outer is a simple throw-Observable


should handle basic case with window closings


should handle basic case with window closings, but outer throws


should stop emitting windows when outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should make outer emit error when closing throws


should complete the resulting Observable when window closings completes


should emit windows with count 2 and skip 1


should emit windows with count 2, and skip unspecified


should return empty if source is empty


should return Never if source if Never


should propagate error from a just-throw source


should raise error if source raises error


should dispose of inner windows once outer is unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should close windows after max count is reached

spec-js/operators/windowTime-spec.js -

should emit windows given windowTimeSpan


should emit windows given windowTimeSpan and windowCreationInterval


should return a single empty window if source is empty


should split a Just source into a single window identical to source


should be able to split a never Observable into timely empty windows


should emit an error-only window if outer is a simple throw-Observable


should handle source Observable which eventually emits an error

spec-js/operators/windowTime-spec.js -

should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly

spec-js/operators/windowToggle-spec.js -

should emit windows using constying cold closings


should emit windows using constying hot closings


should emit windows using constying empty delayed closings


should emit windows using constying cold closings, outer unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should dispose window Subjects if the outer is unsubscribed early


should propagate error thrown from closingSelector


should propagate error emitted from a closing


should propagate error emitted late from a closing


should handle errors


should handle empty source


should handle throw


should handle never


should handle a never opening Observable


should handle a never closing Observable


should handle opening Observable that just throws


should handle empty closing observable


should emit windows using constying cold closings


should emit windows using constying hot closings


should emit windows using constying empty delayed closings


should emit windows using constying cold closings, outer unsubscribed early


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should propagate error thrown from closingSelector


should propagate error emitted from a closing


should propagate error emitted late from a closing


should propagate errors emitted from the source


should handle empty source


should handle a never source


should handle throw


should handle a never closing Observable


should handle a throw closing Observable


should merge the value with the latest values from the other observables into arrays

spec-js/operators/withLatestFrom-spec.js -

should allow unsubscribing early and explicitly


should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly


should handle empty


should handle never


should handle throw


should handle error


should handle error with project argument


should handle merging with empty


should handle merging with never


should handle promises


should handle arrays


should handle lowercase-o observables


should combine a source with a second


should zip the provided observables


should end once one observable completes and its buffer is empty

spec-js/operators/zip-spec.js -

should combine two observables and selector


should work with n-ary symmetric


should work with n-ary symmetric selector


should work with n-ary symmetric array selector


should work with some data asymmetric 1


should work with some data asymmetric 2


should work with some data symmetric


should work with selector throws


should work with right completes first


should work with two nevers


should work with never and empty


should work with empty and never


should work with empty and empty


should work with empty and non-empty


should work with non-empty and empty


should work with never and non-empty


should work with non-empty and never


should work with empty and error


should work with error and empty


should work with error


should work with never and error


should work with error and never


should work with error and error


should work with two sources that eventually raise errors


should work with two sources that eventually raise errors (swapped)


should work with error and some


should combine an immediately-scheduled source with an immediately-scheduled second


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should zip them with values


should only call next as needed


should work with never observable and empty iterable


should work with empty observable and empty iterable


should work with empty observable and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty observable and empty iterable


should work with never observable and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty observable and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty observable and empty iterable


should work with observable which raises error and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty many observable and non-empty many iterable


should work with non-empty observable and non-empty iterable selector that throws


should combine two observables


should take all observables from the source and zip them


should end once one observable completes and its buffer is empty

spec-js/operators/zipAll-spec.js -

should combine two observables and selector


should work with n-ary symmetric


should work with n-ary symmetric selector


should work with n-ary symmetric array selector


should work with some data asymmetric 1


should work with some data asymmetric 2


should work with some data symmetric


should work with selector throws


should work with right completes first


should zip until one child terminates


should handle a hot observable of observables


should handle merging a hot observable of non-overlapped observables


should raise error if inner observable raises error


should raise error if outer observable raises error


should work with two nevers


should work with never and empty


should work with empty and never


should work with empty and empty


should work with empty and non-empty


should work with non-empty and empty


should work with never and non-empty


should work with non-empty and never


should combine a source with a second


should work with empty and error


should work with error and empty


should work with error


should work with never and error


should work with error and never


should work with error and error


should work with two sources that eventually raise errors


should work with two sources that eventually raise errors (swapped)


should work with error and some


should combine two immediately-scheduled observables


should combine a source with an immediately-scheduled source


should not break unsubscription chain when unsubscribed explicitly


should complete when empty source


should zip them with values


should only call next as needed


should work with never observable and empty iterable


should work with empty observable and empty iterable


should work with empty observable and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty observable and empty iterable


should work with never observable and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty observable and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty observable and empty iterable


should work with observable which raises error and non-empty iterable


should work with non-empty many observable and non-empty many iterable


should work with non-empty observable and non-empty iterable selector that throws


should contain exports from commonjs modules


should exist


should act like the async scheduler if delay > 0


should cancel animationFrame actions when delay > 0


should schedule an action to happen later


should execute recursively scheduled actions in separate asynchronous contexts


should cancel the animation frame if all scheduled actions unsubscribe before it executes


should execute the rest of the scheduled actions if the first action is canceled


should exist


should act like the async scheduler if delay > 0


should cancel asap actions when delay > 0


should schedule an action to happen later


should execute recursively scheduled actions in separate asynchronous contexts


should cancel the setImmediate if all scheduled actions unsubscribe before it executes


should execute the rest of the scheduled actions if the first action is canceled


should act like the async scheduler if delay > 0


should switch from synchronous to asynchronous at will


should unsubscribe the rest of the scheduled actions if an action throws an error


should exist


should parse a marble string into a series of notifications and types


should parse a marble string, allowing spaces too


should parse a marble string with a subscription point


should parse a marble string with an error


should default in the letter for the value if no value hash was passed


should handle grouped values


should parse a subscription marble string into a subscriptionLog


should parse a subscription marble string with an unsubscription


should parse a subscription marble string with a synchronous unsubscription


should parse a simple time marble string to a number


should throw if not given good marble input


should create a cold observable


should create a cold observable


should exist


should exist


should create a cold observable


should exist


should create a hot observable


should exist


should parse a simple time marble string to a number


should exist


should return an object with a toBe function


should append to flushTests array


should handle empty


should handle never


should accept an unsubscription marble diagram


should exist


should return an object with a toBe function


should append to flushTests array


should assert subscriptions of a cold observable


should be awesome


should support testing metastreams


should exist


should schedule things in order when flushed if each this is scheduled synchrously


should schedule things in order when flushed if each this is scheduled at random


should schedule things in order when there are negative delays


should support recursive scheduling


should not execute virtual actions that have been rescheduled before flush


should emit the last value when complete


should emit the last value when subscribing after complete


should keep emitting the last value to subsequent subscriptions


should not emit values after complete


should not allow change value after complete


should not emit values if unsubscribed before complete


should just complete if no value has been nexted into it


should keep emitting complete to subsequent subscriptions


should only error if an error is passed into it


should keep emitting error to subsequent subscriptions


should not allow send complete after error


should extend Subject


should throw if it has received an error and getValue() is called

spec-js/subjects/BehaviorSubject-spec.js -

should have a getValue() method to retrieve the current value


should not allow you to set value directly


should still allow you to retrieve the value from the value property


should start with an initialization value


should pump values to multiple subscribers


should not pass values nexted after a complete


should clean out unsubscribed subscribers


should replay the previous value when subscribed


should emit complete when subscribed after completed


should be an Observer which can be given to Observable.subscribe


should extend Subject


should add the observer before running subscription code


should replay values upon subscription


should replay values and complete


should replay values and error


should only replay values within its buffer size


should be an Observer which can be given to Observable.subscribe


should replay 2 previous values when subscribed


should replay 2 last values for when subscribed after completed

spec-js/subjects/ReplaySubject-spec.js -

should replay previous values since 40 time units ago when subscribed


should replay last values since 40 time units ago when subscribed


should exist


should return Symbol.iterator


should use Symbol to create an return a symbol and polyfill Symbol.iterator


should return "$$iterator"


should return the key that matches the "entries" key on Map.prototype, but not return "size"


should return "@@iterator"


should return "@@iterator"


should return "@@iterator"


should exist in the proper form when Symbol does not exist


should exist in the proper form


should exist in the proper form


should exist


should accept string as keys


should allow setting keys twice


should have a delete method that removes keys


should clear all


should exist


should iterate over keys and values


should have setImmediate and clearImmediate methods


should use the setImmediate and clearImmediate methods from root


should create the proper flavor of setImmediate using process.nextTick


should create the proper flavor of setImmediate using postMessage


should create the proper flavor of setImmediate that uses message channels


should create the proper flavor of setImmediate that uses readystatechange on a DOM element


should use the post message impl


should use the post message impl


should use the readystatechange impl


should use the readystatechange impl


should use the setTimeout impl


should return a function that takes no arguments and will be called with the passed arguments


should coerce to a string and convert to a function which will be called by the returned function


should use Object.toString to return an identifier string


should return false


should return true


should maintain any existing onmessage handler


should return false


should return true


should return false


should return false


should return true if MessageChannel exists


should return false if MessageChannel does NOT exist


should return false if there is no document in global scope


should return true if created script elements have an onreadystatechange property


should return false if created script elements do NOT have an onreadystatechange property


should add to tasksByHandle and increment the nextHandle


should delete values from tasksByHandle


should delay running the task if it is currently running a task


should not error if there is no task currently running and the handle passed is not found


should execute the task and clean up after


should create a proper setImmediate implementation that uses setTimeout


should work


should exist


should act like a hashtable that accepts objects as keys


should allow setting keys twice


should have a delete method that removes keys


should exist


should iterate over keys and values


should use Set if Set exists


should provide the minimal Set we require


should implement add, has, size and clear


should create a message that is a clear indication of its internal errors


should exist


should use Object.assign if available


should assign n objects to a target


should assign n objects to a target


should return assignImpl if Object.assign does not exist on root


should return Object.assign if it exists


should exist


should synchronously complete when subscribe to scalarObservable


should subscribe to observables that are an instanceof Rx.Observable


should emit error when observable emits error


should subscribe to an array and emit synchronously


should subscribe to an array-like and emit synchronously


should subscribe to a promise


should emits error when the promise rejects


should subscribe an iterable and emit results synchronously


should subscribe to to an object that implements Symbol.observable


should emit an error if value returned by Symbol.observable call is not a valid observable


should emit an error when trying to subscribe to an unknown type of object


should emit an error when trying to subscribe to a non-object


should not be closed when other subscriber created with no arguments completes


should not be closed when other subscriber created with same observer instance completes
